Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey

Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey
Fate Perpetuates It

04 June 2010

SciFi Turns Real - BP Oil Disaster Intensifies in Gulf of Mexico

This is the worst movie we've ever been in.
Worse news - it's not a movie.

03 June 2010

Sportsman's Paradise Lost

I'm in New Orleans. Not finding anything clever here: Somebody has made an interactive "oil map," claiming it gives perspective of the BP oil disaster. 
You want perspective? Picture your life and your family's and future generations' lives destroyed. 
Imagine your pet dying from being smothered in oil. 
Every moment you are playing on your map, pelicans and all living things, entire eco-systems are being murdered by BP. 
Sportsman's Paradise is lost. 
Turn on Anderson Cooper - CNN. Get a look at the birds. Tears in your eyes should get you perspective. 
Personally, the whole thing stinks, including that offensive map.         

01 June 2010

Gulf Coast BP Blues

We are full of positive thinking  --

If your bread is stale, make toast;
A creative chef without utensils can find a way to stir soup.

I'm a hard-core optimist, but, with that mind-boggling, crude oil disaster, I echo Lee Marvin's character in the "The Dirty Dozen."  

"I don't like it. I think it stinks." 

Thanks to BP's traumatic, gigantic screw-up, people are going to have anxiety and increased risk of long-term mental health issues. 

Addiction problems may resume; epics of depression will dibilitate and  irritibility is going to rule.  

There always is hope; but for the Gulf Coast, it's going to be slippery to hold.   

30 May 2010

Authorize Funds NOW to LA Barrier Island Dredge Program

Please, let's put forth a group effort.
E-mail this message to:

Subject: Authorize Funds NOW to LA Barrier Island Dredge Program

Doug Suttles and Admiral Mary Landry: I'm with Billy Nungesser.   
POST HASTE: authorize the funds to LA Barrier Island Dredge Program - 6 areas. These permits have been issued by the Corp. You must act NOW to save our coast, our way of life and our wildlife. Please, take action. I hope for a reason to say thank you.