Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey

Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey
Fate Perpetuates It

03 June 2010

Sportsman's Paradise Lost

I'm in New Orleans. Not finding anything clever here: Somebody has made an interactive "oil map," claiming it gives perspective of the BP oil disaster. 
You want perspective? Picture your life and your family's and future generations' lives destroyed. 
Imagine your pet dying from being smothered in oil. 
Every moment you are playing on your map, pelicans and all living things, entire eco-systems are being murdered by BP. 
Sportsman's Paradise is lost. 
Turn on Anderson Cooper - CNN. Get a look at the birds. Tears in your eyes should get you perspective. 
Personally, the whole thing stinks, including that offensive map.         


  1. Another viewpoint from a friend ... "I was not as offended as you... in fact, I think it offers some much needed perspective on the geographic scope."

  2. Anonymous09 June, 2010

    keep up the good work....


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