Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey

Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey
Fate Perpetuates It

04 June 2010

SciFi Turns Real - BP Oil Disaster Intensifies in Gulf of Mexico

This is the worst movie we've ever been in.
Worse news - it's not a movie.


  1. My first comment ever on a blog of any kind - eek! But this is HUGE so have to get involved in every way I can think of. I've been crying and sickened over what's happening in the gulf like you all. But Bob Herbert's column in NYTimes brought to light something I never knew and I'll bets lots of others didn't either: I assumed this was THE biggest oil spill and general toxic mess-up ever. Well it's not. Oil companies are destroying the planet. And we are unwittingly allowing (helping actually, but it hurts to say it) with our way of life and oil dependance. It's time for a "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it any more" moment. Are we supposed to sign here? Anne, second row middle photo

  2. Hey girlfriend in second row - you are right! BP doesn't care. Oilers in penthouses don't even think about it. Um, isn't that known as greed? Thanks for your first post ever and NYTimes link. xoxo


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