Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey

Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey
Fate Perpetuates It

27 May 2010


Here in New Orleans, the news is all about that BP fiasco. Fiasco puts it mildly.
I've been blogging about PTSD as I experienced it several times since Hurricane Katrina.
Now, my city is in intensive care - again!

BP's careless and greedy actions have created new and worse PTSD cases; more will follow.
Taking responsibility is small potatoes compared to the disaster. K-2 (the second Katrina) has longer-ranging effects than the Army Corps' levee lapses made clear by that storm.

I cringe every time the word 'spill' is misused. Milk spills. Oil gushes. 

Audacity calling that disaster, 'spill.' It is PR manipulation. Who cries over spilt milk? No biggie, just a spill. This is exactly a biggie. 

BP must address their error with every fisherman, tour operator and waiter ... whose life has been torpedoed. BP's substantial profits will go a long way toward make-goods. 

BP PR honchos should earn their keep and "persuade" corporate "to do the right thing;" But, they are the same PR people who have kept the word "spill" afloat. 

Kudos: Billy Nungesser and compatriots.

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