Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey

Hurricane Katrina Starts the Odyssey
Fate Perpetuates It

04 May 2010

Don’t Take Happiness for Granted

PTSD = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder comes in all different forms. You want to practice positive coping skills. More on that later.

Here’s what some have to say on the subject, round about.

“Road to healing is full of some thorns.” -- Sherry Shepard, The View

"No matter how bad things get, you don't sink to the bottom." -- Betty White

"Desire and determination must overcome disappointment." -- Julio Melara

“You gotta count on someone and it might as well be you.” A fisherman

“You gotta let that knock you down; it won't be the same, but maybe it'll be better.” -- David Letterman

“Sure, life has to go on; your light touch makes it easier to carry the load.” -- Ron Perry


IT is our FATE.” -- my friend Sally’s Kabbalah studying friend

“If you make something funny, you can deal with it.” – Joan Rivers
What do you do?

02 May 2010

Personal Growth from Extreme Misfortunes

There are two sides to gloom and doom.

I have had a broken elbow since December 2009; gimpy left arm. It makes me clumsy where I was not. But, it also makes me graceful. I am afraid to knock it around and make it worse. So, I am more graceful, entirely. Fear motivates.

You can find two sides (at least) in your problems. Pause and ruminate. Dig. Begin with the, “It could have been worse” scenarios. Find the benefit to you. It’s in there somewhere.

You can’t alter extreme loss, but can choose to be positive. Your outlook will react on the rest of you, your world. You likely will brighten your attitude; and others’ around you.

Give it your best to transform your misfortunes into an insightful, spiritual journey. Use your misfortunes for your own personal growth.

Take time to appreciate the smalls. When asked why she did something a particular way, my friend, Patricia, in Provence, replied simply, “Because it gives me pleasure.” What gives you pleasure? Don’t take happiness for granted.

I am relating all of this to the book I am shamelessly mentioning here. “Misadventures of a New Orleans Girl” is all about getting around, through and over the bumps and mountains that confront you, knock you upside your head until you think you are going to pop.